
Privacy Policy and T&Cs

Some Direct Debit T&C’s:

  • Melbourne Hapkido Academy referred to as ‘MHA’.
  • The first direct debit payment will be made within 48 hours of starting your training.
  • To stop or suspend direct debit after the initial period I understand I need to complete a Customer Service Form available from MHA or online.
  • To suspend any direct debit, i.e. for extended leave of greater than 30 days or major life events (e.g. major illness), I need to complete a Customer Service Form and understand I will incur a $5 fortnightly, administration fee charge.
  • I understand that 1 week notice is required to close my Melbourne Hapkido Academy and cancel my Direct Debit Agreement.
  • It takes up to 48 hours to process a request. Any direct debit transaction made before a cancellation request is formally made or received in the 48 hours of the request being made payment cannot be refunded.
  • Any failed direct debit transaction might incur a $15 transaction administration fee.
  • Membership/joining fees are non-refundable. In the event of stopping your training earlier than the agreed period of training a final charge to your debit/credit facility will be made for a pro-rata amount equivalent to the period membership fee at time of stopping. For example: you initially agreed to a 6 months training period however withdrew at 3 months therefore your debit/credit facility will be charged $20.00; if stop training 3 months into a 12 month period of training you will be charged $40.00.
  • I understand that MHA reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions and MHA will post notice minimum of thirty (30) days prior to any increase or changes in T&C’s, fees, memberships or other matters relating to direct debit authority, your membership and/or training. MHA reserves the right to terminate any agreement without notice and reason why.
  • All direct debit fees are inclusive of holidays and Melbourne Hapkido Academy advertised closures.
  • MHA will not sell or pass your details to external third parties without your permission.
  • and PayPal have their own T&Cs.

Suspension of training T&C’s:

  • Melbourne Hapkido Academy will not suspend accounts for less than 30 days.
  • Suspension for illness 14 days or more requires a medical certificate.
  • Suspension requires minimum 7 days notice prior to know absence, e.g. going on holidays 30 days or longer.
  • Suspension requests will incur a minimum $5.00 per week suspension administration fee.

Student details T&C’s:

  • Melbourne Hapkido Academy use email, SMS, messenger and DoJo app as the primary channels of communication.
  • Emails and SMS will be sent where permission has been given.
  • It is the member’s responsibility to keep Melbourne Hapkido Academy informed of any changes of personal details.
  • Melbourne Hapkido Academy collects student details in line with its privacy policy and Privacy Act 1988.

Gradings T&C’s:

  • Grading fees must be paid prior to grading.
  • To grade students must be a full-fee paying student and/or member for the grading period for each level being a minimum of 3 months.
  • All other fees or amounts outstanding must be paid before grading.
  • On failure to attend a grading and having paid for that grading the grading fee will be held over until the next grading.
  • On the extremely rare occasion a student fails a grading grading-fees are non-refundable and the student will be tested at a later date or at the next grading.

Privacy Notice:

Information collected from you is required for the establishment of direct debit payment by Melbourne Hapkido Academy ABN: 455277353150 (MHA) and legal and statutory requirements as will be used to facilitate direct debit payments from selected credit or debit card or to other relevant service provider for services that are outsourced, or to MHA associated entities. This information will not be disclosed except as required in law. Access to and correction of this personal information may be made by contacting Melbourne Hapkido Academy. and have their own T&Cs.

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