Kids & Parents

Kids and families

Hapkido is a martial art that instils into children a confidence to stand tall in the face of adversity.

Hapkido does not teach simple kicking and punching as the only way to get out of a situation,

Hapkido teaches control and restraint.   

Kids learn the same techniques as adults for the simple reason these techniques work regardless of size, age, gender or strength.  Because the syllabus is structured and detailed kids learn to concentrate on the subject being taught, translating to enhanced concentration skills at school. Taught in a traditional manner it is about building their confidence, abilities, self esteem and character.

Melbourne Hapkido Academy trains kids from ages 7 plus (grade 1 plus).

Kids and parents can train together. Why just sit and watch the kids when you too can keep fit and learn self defence. Click here for joining.

Hapkido give kids strength, courage and mindfulness.

Hapkido teaches kids how not to fight.

Four Easy Steps to Start Training for the Whole Family:

  1. Drop in or contact us (click here or phone: 9480 4443) to chat about your child, children or your training.
  2. Choose which class you would like to start.
  3. Complete a bit of paper work: membership and payment form.
  4. Put on your uniform, get on to the mats and start training.

Parents can join in

Parents can join in too. Why just drop them off and pick them up? Parents can also experience the benefits of Hapkido. Parents are welcome to train at the same time (separate groups) as their children. This helps build strong family relationships. Special family discount rates are offered to encourage you to join in. We have many parents enjoying the benefits of Hapkido and they themselves on their way to becoming black belts.


    1. UNIFORM, Badge & White Belt INCLUDED ON JOINING.
    2. ACCESS to student mobile Smart Training App.
    3. ACCESS to Web portal with extended training materials and over 350 videos.
    4. UNLIMITED TRAINING. Training for as little as $6.87 per class [based on 3 classes a week].
    5. ONCE OFF joining fee, NO MORE ONGOING ‘insurance’, ‘membership’ or ‘other annual’ fees or charges for training. 
    6. Convenient class times with a TIMETABLE for the whole family (click here).
    7. OPEN during the school holidays. We are only closed for public holidays and a few weeks over Christmas and New Years.
    8. Some Terms and Conditions here.

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